Current Product Lines
Coil & Equipment Coatings:
Modine is a world known manufacture of HVAC products and equipment. Our partnership with them allows Moore Mechanical to provide our customers with industrial grade coatings that exceed most specifications in the industry. Modine is a great product and allows for coils in chillers, air-handlers, ice machines, pool applications, and refrigeration to be protected. Extended life of 2-3 times the normal life expectancy is not uncommon. ASHRAE, ASTM, ASME, and all the major equipment manufacture recognize Insitu and Electrofin coatings as a superior product of choice.
Advanced Dehumidification Technology:
Heat Pipe Technologies is not a new concept. From NASA to Agricultural Sciences to the HVAC industry heat pipes have been utilized to move energy around passively. Moore Mechanical is proud to provide increased dehumidification to cooling coils, energy recover to exhaust to make-up air streams, and energy savings from reduced Central Plant loading.
Pool Dehumidification Technology:
After many years in their industry, this product through thorough engineering and layout has provided dry comfortable environments for all types of customers. Pool dehumidification is unique and takes a unique approach to the application in the Natatorium environment.